
Won the title of "Top Ten Leading Enterprises of Professional Wear in China"
2022/6/25 9:31:53

Recently, 2019 China Professional Apparel Industry Conference and annual Meeting of China National Garment Association Professional Apparel Committee sponsored by China National Garment Association and undertaken by China National Garment Association Professional Apparel Committee and China National Garment Association Professional Apparel Research Center was grandly held in Dalian. Cao Xuejun, deputy director of the Department of Consumer Goods Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Jiang Hengjie, consultant of China National Garment Association, Yang Jinchun, executive vice president of China National Garment Association and other relevant leaders and representatives of hundreds of professional clothing enterprises from all over the country, more than 200 people in charge of professional institutions attended the conference.


This conference aims to build a platform for the participants of China's professional wear industry, promote mutual exchange and cooperation, and promote the industry to develop in a higher quality direction! The conference awarded a total of "China's top ten leading enterprises in professional wear", "China's top 50 enterprises in professional wear", "China's professional wear (school uniform) advantage enterprise" and other awards, among which Nanshan Zhishang won the "China's top ten leading enterprises in professional wear".

As China's garment industry promoting power construction and enterprise demand for professional attire continuous fermentation, nanshan wisdom still rely on a strong industry scale and mature sound modern industrial system, at the same time of speed up the transformation of kinetic energy, old and new, will actively build green, science and technology, fashion industry competitive advantage as a target for the development of the company. At the same time, Nanshan Zhishang as a large manufacturing enterprise has always been adhering to the principle, in accordance with the provisions of the state, and strive to implement independent innovation, integrity and development policies. For a long time, Nanshan Zhishang complete management system, rapid market response ability and strong resource integration ability make it occupy a considerable proportion in the national textile manufacturing industry.


In the future, Nanshan Zhishang will continue to take quality and customer service as the core, and constantly improve and strengthen products, improve service; Driven by technological innovation, continuously enhance core competitive advantages; To build a century-old brand as the goal, and constantly promote the quality and efficiency of enterprises.


思茅市| 无棣县| 汨罗市| 太湖县| 徐州市| 眉山市| 高台县| 称多县| 广西| 桂东县| 水富县| 威远县| 阿克苏市| 霸州市| 平顺县| 临朐县| 深圳市| 昌平区| 临高县| 大田县| 名山县| 独山县| 巴青县| 和顺县| 荆州市| SHOW| 正蓝旗| 仁怀市| 凤城市| 白城市| SHOW| 韶关市| 巴彦淖尔市| 长沙市| 平遥县| 榆中县| 蒙山县| 万州区| 榆树市| 长寿区| 芜湖市|