
Successfully passed the special protective equipment production license factory audit
2022/6/25 9:13:32

Recently shandong Province special equipment inspection Research Institute protection center audit group of experts a line of 2 people in longkou City market supervision administration of the leadership of nanshan Zizhong Protection Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as Nanshan Zizhong hall) for a period of 2 days "special protective products production license" factory audit. And on August 31, nanshan Zizhong Hall officially issued a "special protective equipment production license."

This audit is the first time since the establishment of Nanshan Zizhong Hall to deal with such audit work. In the audit process, the expert group of Nanshan Zizhong Hall production site, license certificate, product sample clothing, technical indicators, documentation, certification materials, operation procedures and so on have carried out meticulous inspection and verification, and on the audit process found problems and improvement methods and related standards to give guidance and requirements.

Through the orderly development of the factory audit work, nanshan Zizhong Hall internal management system has been further standardized and improved. The cognition of all staff to various operating standards has been further improved. With a series of improvement requirements and implementation of the proposal, for the later continuous strengthening of the standardization of various activities, improve product competitiveness to provide a strong support for the company's next stage of market expansion provided a powerful power. It can be said that the factory audit work on the future of the company's sustainable benign operation and healthy development has a very critical and positive significance.

In the future work, Nanshan Zizhong Tang will be based on their own work, combined with the experience of the factory audit, continue to standardize the company's operation system, improve the company's comprehensive management level. Promote the faster and better development of the enterprise, for the realization of the company's strategic goals unremitting struggle!


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