
The final of Nanshan Zhishang Cup China Formal Dress Design Competition is about to begin
2022/3/31 15:37:26

From the official launch of the collection of works in August last year, to the selection of preliminary finalists in November, and then to nanshan Mountain in December. After more than 8 months of long waiting, March 26, 11:00 am, Nanshan Zhishang Cup ? China Formal Dress Design Competition final and award ceremony is coming, officially kicked off.

The competition guided by China textile industry association, Chinese clothing designer association, shandong nanshan sunline technology co., LTD. Jointly organized, aimed at mining and peizheng outfit design talents, realize the fabrics of "original" and "original design" of the "double gen" fusion, to promote the world is the rise of new design strength.

Since the launch of the competition in August last year, 92 fashion design colleges and 1200 women's fashion designers have participated in the competition. In the end, a total of 1310 valid manuscripts have been received. In the preliminary evaluation, the expert judges comprehensively evaluated and discussed the 1310 renderings from the aspects of theme interpretation, practicality, fashion and practicability. After selection, 23 works stood out and made it to the finals.

Winning the final "entrance ticket" is not only the pursuit of students in the ivory tower, but also the "ladder" for new designers to shine their dreams into reality. They will bring their works to the stage of China International Fashion Week to decide the gold, silver and bronze awards, feel the highlight of the design moment.

Point one: Use creativity to explore new ways of expression in formal design

At present, most of the formal dress styles on the market are in the middle of the rules, homogenization has been unable to meet the personalized needs of consumers, how to make a design breakthrough? Based on the problem driven, the contestants will use their creativity to give more fashion new definition to formal wear.

From the initial evaluation of the renderings, we can know that whether it is the conventional men's and women's sets of western categories, or the elegant dress unit, under the clever writing of the contestants, they show the design concept and direction of practicality, functionality and fashion. In the renderings of different styles, contestants focus on visual beauty and practical functionality, so that formal dress is no longer confined to the concept of "rules and regulations", highlighting the fashion and charm of young people in the new era.

In particular, many design works are combined with traditional Chinese culture, no matter the pattern, color and inspiration source, all present a "Chinese characteristics" of the formal dress, must be on the final runway, we can feel the formal dress image subvert the traditional impression.

Bonus two: Worsted wool fabric for the core of the unusual

Classic fabric is not only the core of brand value, but also the accumulation and inheritance of long history and art culture. All the finalists in the final of the competition are based on nanshan worsted wool fabric as the carrier, through fashion creativity, ingenuity design, for formal dress design creative empowerment.

In order to help the contestants better realize their design ideas, the organizing committee specially organized the contestants to visit nanshan Zhishang, docking and other professional gathering activities. Competitors through the inspection of nanshan Zhishang intelligent manufacturing mode of operation, understand the quality of worsted fabric performance. During the collection period, the contestants also selected the worsted wool fabric samples, and applied the fabrics of different techniques, colors and styles to the physical production, opening a design feast curtain of "focusing on the fabric". It can be seen that the competition will not only provide a good talent reserve for industrial upgrading and development, but also serve as a platform for industrial chain docking and promote the commercial value of creativity.

March 26th, 11:00 am, at the scene of the final and award ceremony of Nanshan Zhishang Cup China Formal Dress Design Competition, let us witness the rise of Chinese designers' new power through the wonderful inspiration collision!


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