
Shandong "news broadcast" authoritative report Nanshan Zhishang!
2022/3/31 16:18:57

On February 20, Shandong SATELLITE TV's News Broadcast program, with Zhishang Nanshan as the representative of the enterprise, focused on reporting the important achievements of capital market serving the real economy in Shandong Province and boosting the transformation of old and new driving forces.

Founded in 2007, Nanshan Zhishang has a complete woolen textile and apparel industry chain, covering a worsted woolen fabric business system integrating fabric research and development, woolen processing, dyeing, spinning, weaving and finishing, as well as a garment business system integrating garment research and development, design, manufacturing and brand operation. On December 22, 2020, it was successfully listed on GEM a-shares of Shenzhen Stock Exchange [stock exchange code: 300918].

As the first stock registered in Shandong Gem, nanshan Zhisang has optimized and upgraded the whole industrial chain of worsted wool production line, garment intelligent manufacturing and RESEARCH and development center through 410 million yuan raised since its listing more than a year ago, and achieved breakthroughs and improvements in its main business. At the same time, focusing on industrial upgrading, Nanshan Zhishang New Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene project, the main products are widely used in aerospace engineering, Marine industry and other fields, has broad prospects for development. The first phase of the project is scheduled to be completed and put into operation in the first half of this year. The implementation of this project plays a significant and positive role in adjusting product structure, creating diversified competitive advantages and sustainable development of enterprises.

In the future, Nanshan Zhishang will continue to develop high value-added imported substitute fabrics and functional fabrics in worsted woolen fabric business, further consolidate the company's leading market position in high-end worsted woolen fabric industry, and focus on creating advanced customized products, break the existing performance ceiling, and create a high market value company.


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