
Advanced customization
2021/11/11 10:33:23




       MODARTE services rely on the complete industrial chain of Nanshan Zhishang Technology Co., LTD., from high-quality Australian wool cultivation, to a variety of luxury fabric weaving, and then to the production of fine clothing, always combining the traditional production process and contemporary design perfectly. Tailor-made suits, coats, coats, shirts, trousers and other clothing products.

  High quality raw materials

From super Merino wool to luxury Egyptian cotton, MODARTE is committed to providing customers with quality natural comfort. In the merino wool field, MERRYMAN is more united with MERRYMAN -- a wool family dating back to 1864. We launch customized high-end textile and garment products based on the luxury Merino wool fiber.

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Elegant fabrics

MODARTE Haute Couture creates suits and shirts from the world's leading brands: from classic mohair and Merino wool, to fine cashmere blends of top quality wool fabrics and a range of Super 200S quality wool fabrics. The superior fabric with excellent touch makes the choice of shirt fabric more abundant.

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  Delicate clipping

All of MODARTE's products are made with semi-hemp lining or general hemp lining supplemented with various high-quality accessories. High-end products are carefully cut by hand, including hundreds of delicate and complicated different processes, which are jointly completed by senior domestic tailors and Italian technical experts.

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           High quality customers

MODARTE serves the leaders of the era, including business leaders, corporate executives, opinion leaders, artists and prominent social groups.

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新巴尔虎右旗| 滕州市| 漾濞| 嘉鱼县| 田林县| 天长市| 平舆县| 潢川县| 定日县| 柘城县| 吉林市| 肥城市| 桐梓县| 长寿区| 宁蒗| 铜川市| 石林| 辉县市| 岳普湖县| 得荣县| 宕昌县| 喜德县| 神农架林区| 东港市| 佛教| 南昌市| 尚志市| 潞西市| 安溪县| 冀州市| 渑池县| 越西县| 天水市| 鄂尔多斯市| 隆化县| 遵义县| 大足县| 福泉市| 连云港市| 边坝县| 如皋市|