
Nanshan textile and apparel invention patent performance into yantai top 20
2022/6/25 13:29:53

Recently, The Science and Technology Bureau of Yantai city and the Intellectual Property Bureau of Yantai City jointly issued a Notice on the Patent creation in Yantai City in 2014, announcing the overall situation of the patent creation work in the city in 2014. In the 2014 Yantai enterprise invention patent list, Shandong Nanshan Textile Co., Ltd. ranked 5th among the top 20 in the annual invention patent authorization ranking with 8 inventions authorized in 2014; With a total of 16 effective inventions, the company ranked 16th among the top 20 in the ownership of invention patents.

Nanshan textile and clothing in the invention patent of the two core indicators both shortlisted in the city's top 20, indicating that the company in the field of invention patent not only has a certain number of family, but also maintain a relatively fast development rate, all the company's scientific and technological workers are not happy. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the company will continue to vigorously promote the implementation of intellectual property strategy, adhere to the principle of "equal quality and quantity, quality first" in the field of patent creation, greatly improve the quality and quantity of the company's patents, and pay more attention to the application of patents, to lay a good foundation for the construction of innovative enterprises.


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