
The public participated in the first public announcement of environmental information
2022/6/25 10:09:33

According to the law of the People's Republic of China on environmental impact assessment law ", "public participation in environmental impact assessment method" (ecological environment ministry make no. 4) specified requirements, such as the shandong nanshan sunline technology co., LTD., worsted wool production line for smart update project "has entrusted the shandong lu wei environmental technology co., LTD., carrying out environmental impact assessment work, Now for the first environmental information publicity.

(一)Overview of existing projects

Shandong Nanshan Zhishang Technology Co., LTD. 's existing projects are annual output of wool textiles 20 million meters, wool sliver 2000 tons project; The woolen products construction project, with an annual output of 20 million meters of woolen textiles and 2,000 tons of woolen sliver, was approved in February 2008, and passed the completion environmental protection inspection in April 2014. The construction project of woolen sliver products was approved by the environmental assessment in 2018 and is currently under construction. The existing project is complete in environmental protection first.

(二)Project name and content

Project Name: Intelligent upgrade Project of Worsted Wool Production line of Shandong Nanshan Zhishang Technology Co., LTD

Construction Unit: Shandong Nanshan Zhishang Technology Co., LTD

Construction nature: renovation and expansion

Construction location: Worsted textile factory, Nanshan Industrial Park, Dongjiang Town, Longkou city, Yantai City, Shandong Province

Construction contents :(1) optimize the process and transform the workshop. According to the optimized process needs and maximize the use of land, demolition company idle years of chemical fiber spinning factory old factory building, as well as the dyeing center south old factory building, east again use part of the green belts, the reconstruction of steel structure workshop for three layers of double entry, mainly to create space for integration of spinning mill, and then to other integration provide the conditions in each process, so as to realize construction, while the production, Does not affect the company's annual order production purpose; (2) Integration and upgrading of specialized factories. Integrate and upgrade the existing worsted factory no. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 (annual output of wool textile is 20 million meters) according to the specialized division of labor, and form a specialized operation unit for spinning, weaving and dyeing and finishing according to professional processes. (3) Renovation of testing, inspection and auxiliary facilities. To test center, finished product inspection, air conditioning system, power distribution room and other auxiliary facilities of part of the old equipment to eliminate, appropriate purchase of new equipment; (4) Upgrade and construct three-dimensional automatic storage and logistics center. The former worsted factory 1 will be upgraded to a three-dimensional automatic warehousing and logistics center. Purchase of three-dimensional shelves and automated warehouse management system (WMS); (5) Information system upgrade. The enterprise resource management (ERP) system is newly purchased, and the production execution management (MES) system is added to meet the needs of the professional factories gradually to intelligent transformation and upgrading; (6) Construction of sewage treatment plant. A sewage treatment plant with a capacity of 4500 cubic meters per day will be built, focusing on the treatment of dyeing and finishing wastewater.

(三)Name and contact information of the construction unit

Construction Unit: Shandong Nanshan Zhishang Technology Co., LTD

Address: Nanshan Industrial Park, Dongjiang Town, Longkou, Yantai city, Shandong Province

Zip Code: 265700 E-mail: wangronghui nanshan.com.cn

Contact person: Wang Gong Tel: 0535-8737802

(四)Name of the unit that prepared the environmental impact statement

Technical Unit: Shandong Luwei Environmental Protection Technology Co., LTD

(五) The Internet link of the public comment form

Public sheet link is as follows: http://www.mee.gov.cn/xxgk2018/xxgk/xxgk01/201810/t20181024_665329.html

(六)Ways and means of submitting public submissions

This announcement will end within 10 working days from the date of its release. The public may, by letter, telephone, fax, E-mail or other means provided by the construction unit, submit the completed form of public opinion to the construction unit within the prescribed time to reflect their opinions and suggestions related to the environmental impact of the construction project.

                                                                                                                     Shandong Nanshan Zhishang Technology Co., LTD

                                                                                                                                                                               April 17, 2019


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