
Worsted company holds quality month speech contest
2022/6/25 10:00:41

Recently, the worsted company launched a speech contest with the theme of "Promoting quality development and helping industrial upgrading". During the period, 15 workshop directors participated in the speech, and at the same time, the relevant leaders of the worsted company were invited to attend and serve as judges. This activity aims to enrich the atmosphere of "Quality month", enhance the quality cultural awareness, and will adhere to the principle of "quality first, quality first" to implement into every link.

Speakers from various departments at the grassroots level have accumulated rich experience in their daily work and combined their understanding of quality with daily practice. Contestants' speech content closely related to the theme, will be committed to vigorously develop new technology, constantly improve product quality, enhance the level of internal quality management, through production and manufacturing, research and development, quality control and other ways to greatly improve product quality expression incisively and vividly. The whole speech conference from time to time attracted the audience staff bursts of warm applause. Finally, after fierce competition and careful selection by the judges, one first prize, two second prize, three third prize and some excellent awards were selected in accordance with the principle of fairness, justice and openness.

In this speech contest, everyone gave full play to his/her own style, opinions and speech skills, and expounded his/her understanding of quality from a novel perspective and way. At the same time, everyone was able to think about quality from his/her position.


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