
Quality first, quality first/apparel company held the quality month speech contest
2022/6/25 9:48:10

Recently, in order to further improve the quality management level of the company, promote the spirit of enterprise quality culture, enhance the quality awareness and concept of all staff "quality, honesty", the clothing company held a speech contest with "quality in my heart" as the theme.

The 13 contestants who participated in the speech were the leaders of different production lines from the grassroots. They interpreted their cognition and understanding of quality and safety according to their own responsibilities and personal feelings, and expounded the quality consciousness and social responsibility of a Zhishang person from different perspectives. All the speech or impassioned, or spoke, the scene applause, warm atmosphere. Finally, in accordance with the principle of fairness, justice and openness, after the comprehensive evaluation of the judges, a total of several excellence awards, the third prize three. After the speech, Zhao Liang, general manager of Shandong Nanshan Zhishang Technology Co., LTD., and Sun Zhenke, general manager of The clothing company, respectively made a summary speech and congratulated the winners.

By holding this speech contest, the theme of "Quality month" was further deepened, the awareness of quality work and the concept of quality management were effectively spread, and the concept of "quality and efficiency" was promoted to be practiced! It plays a positive role in strengthening professional quality management, comprehensively improving the quality of all work and realizing sustainable, balanced and stable development.



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