
Nanshan Zhishang's first-quarter net profit rose 18 per cent
2022/6/15 16:16:50

Recently, Nanshan zhishang announced the first quarter financial results: with the consolidation of the company's leading position in the fabric, the level of intelligent manufacturing to further improve, the company in the field of high-end products to further develop, in the first quarter of this year, the company achieved revenue of 322 million yuan, net profit of 28,269,500 yuan, year-on-year growth of 8.03% and 17.71% respectively.

The core competitive advantage of Nanshan Zhishang lies in the complete industrial chain and strong scientific research and product innovation ability. The company's business covers a worsted woolen fabric business system integrating fabric research and development, top processing, dyeing, spinning, weaving and finishing, as well as a garment business system integrating garment research and development, design, manufacturing and brand operation. During the reporting period, the company further refined the order undertaking, gradually increased the order of high value-added products, and focused on intelligent and digital transformation projects to further promote the company's transformation and upgrading. In worsted wool, the company promotes the digital transformation of spinning production and builds a dynamic traceability system covering the whole process of front spinning. In addition, the anti-mixed batch process in the production process of forespinning was reformed, and the scanning code verification method was adopted by PDA to effectively improve the attention of employees on the anti-mixed batch work.

In terms of clothing, the company makes full use of the front, middle and background system of "MTM+CAD+MES+ERP+3D+5G" to seamlessly connect the inter-industry systems to create a customized system of "industrialization, individuality and intelligence". Combined with the promotion mode of processing customization to high-end brands, the company quickly promotes business growth points. At present, Nanshan Zhishang through yunshang factory phase I industrial intelligent production technology transformation, has realized high order parts fast flow and process flow automatic arrangement of flexible production, greatly shorten the production cycle and delivery cycle. At the same time, the report period, Nanshan Zhishang also continued to increase product research and development and innovation, and constantly improve the brand influence.

Nanshan Zhishangong investment construction of 600 tons/year ultra high molecular weight polyethylene project will soon be put into production. Uhmwpe project can be used for the production of body armor. Uhmwpe fiber has excellent properties such as high strength, low density, high modulus, uv resistance and various chemical corrosion resistance, as well as outstanding impact resistance, cutting resistance and other advantages. The products are widely used in defense military equipment, aerospace composite materials, ocean-going ships, navy ships rope, ocean fishing trawl, deep-sea anti-wind cage and sports goods equipment, construction engineering reinforcement and other high-performance composite materials. The completion and operation of the project will bring new profit growth point for the company.


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