
Nanshan Zhishang helps the Legal drama "The Prosecution Elite"
2022/6/15 16:09:42

Recently, the Micro blog of the Supreme People's Procuratorate announced the poster of the TV drama "The Prosecution Elite". Dili Reba, Tong Dawei, Gao Xin, You Jingru and other leading actors dressed in nanshan uniform, nanshan Gao ding formal attire. The drama is co-produced by the China Procuratorate Publishing House of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and Century Warner Pictures. The whole drama is based on the ten typical cases of the national procuratorial organs punishing the new network crime as the prototype, with a sense of suspense reasoning story structure and young narrative way to pay tribute to all the legal workers for the interests of the people, as the key project of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Dressed in nanshan Zhishang's suit and uniform, the leading actor fully shows the spiritual outlook of China's political and legal police in the new era.

Nanshan Zhishang is one of the first batch of enterprises to pass the evaluation of "National Green Factory", the demonstration enterprise of textile technology innovation, the leading enterprise of Chinese occupation clothing, and was selected by the state Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as the key training enterprise list. He has won the first prize of national enterprise management innovation Achievement, the National Textile Industry Quality Award, "National Quality Benchmark", the gold medal of China Popular fabric Design Competition, the first prize of Science and Technology Progress in Shandong Province, and has won the Science and Technology Award of China Textile Industry Federation for many times. The wool worsted intelligent management project and high-end personalized customization of clothing have become the "2017 Intelligent Manufacturing Pilot Demonstration Project of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology".

Nanshan Zhishang has established a global marketing network, fabric and clothing brands are the main suppliers of public, inspection, law, department, finance, chemical, aviation, education, rail transit, energy, power and other industries.

Over the years, the company has provided product design and production services for the four Olympic Games, and participated in major projects such as the 2014 APEC Meeting, the opening of china-Laos railway, the World Garden Expo, and the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China Military Parade.

Nanshan Zhishang has 29 branches in the country, and branches in Australia, Italy and the United States. It has built a perfect online and offline marketing service network, connecting enterprises and the market, communicating products and customers, and fully meeting the short, flat and fast service needs of market customers.


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